Current position:
Latest news
Loubet, B., Buysse, P., Gonzaga-Gomez, L., Lafouge, F., Ciuraru, R., Decuq, C., Kammer, J., Bsaibes, S., Boissard, C., Durand, B., Gueudet, J. C., Fanucci, O., Zurfluh, O., Abis, L., Zannoni, N., Truong, F., Baisnée, D., Sarda-Estève, R., Staudt, M., and Gros, V.: Volatile organic compound fluxes over a winter wheat field by PTR-Qi-TOF-MS and eddy covariance, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 2021, 1-38, 10.5194/acp-2020-1328, 2021.
Education & Background
Engineering Degree in Fluid Mechanics (1996),
Evaluation of the wind-tunnel technique for measuring NH3 emissions
Ph. D. in Environmental Physics (2000), INRA - University of Toulouse III
Modelling NH3 dry deposition in the vicinity of sources
Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR, 2011), University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI):
Surface atmosphere exchange of particulate and gaseous pollutants at the local scale
Presented the 29 November 2011 (see presentation here)
Career history
1996-2000, INRA Bioclimatology, Grignon, Ph. D. student
Modelling NH3 dry deposition in the vicinity of sources
1998, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (now Centre for Ecology and Hydrology CEH), Edinburgh (Scotland, UK), visiting scholar
Seasonal changes of the ammonia stomatal compensation point in grassland and maize
2000-2016, INRA Environment and Arable Crops Research Unit, Research Scientist
Atmospheric dispersion of gaseous pollutant and particulate matter at the local scale
Exchange of pollutant between the atmosphere and agricultural ecosystems.
PI of the NitroEurope-CarboEurope Site
2016-present, team leader Eco&Phy "Ecophysiology and Physics-chemistry of vegetation-atmosphere Interactions"
Green House Gas balance of agro-ecosystems (PI of the level 2 ICOS site FR-GRI)
Volatile Organic Carbon exchange between biosphere and atmosphere (PI of the national ANAEE service PTR-TOF-MS)
2020-present, coordinator of the ICOS-INRAE network on "long term ecosystem atmosphere carbon exchange"
Member of the ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Center (soil and plant analysis)
Research Interests
- Dispersion of gaseous pollutants and pollens over the short range (< 1 km)
- Lagrangian stochastic dispersion modelling
- Exchange of NH3, O3 and NOx between arable crops and the atmosphere
- Micrometeorological measurements (Eddy covariance, gradients)
- Chamber measurements (O3)
- Source retrieval by Inverse modelling at the local scale
- Carbon and nitrogen balances and fluxes between the atmosphere and agroc-ecosystems
- Volatile Organic Carbon exchange between biosphere and the atmosphere
Current and recently completed projects
- Grassland Atmosphere Exchange of Ammonia Accross Europe (1998-2001) (Funder: European commission GRAMINAE)
- Measurement and modelling of O3 and NOx exchange (2002-2004) (Funder: ADEME, INSU-CNRS BIOPOLLATM)
- Mechanistic study of maize pollen transport and deposition in an heterogeneous landscape (2002-2004) (Funder: INSU-CNRS POLLEN) (full report available here)
- Measurement of CO2 and energy fluxes over cropland (2004-2009) (Funder: European commission CARBOEUROPE)
- Green House Gases exchange between croplands and the atmosphere and interactions between the carbon and the nitrogen cycles (2006-2011) (Funder: European commission NITROEUROPE)
- Inter-comparison of ammonia fluxes by three independent methods in a southern Italian agricultural field: (1) Eddy Covariance QC-TILDAS-NH3; (2) Mini-WEDD gradient; (3) Inverse dispersion modelling (funder ESF-Nine 2008)
- PHOTOchemical Formation of Nitrous Acid in the Atmosphere (Funder: CNRS and DFG PHOTONA Project )
- Investigation of the distances of impact of pollutants emited by the trafic onto local agricultural land (Funder: PRIMEQUAL/PREDIT, ADEME, Projet Pollution de Proximité, Transport et Agriculture) (download PRIMEQUAL/PREDIT leaflet). Full Report.
- Mechanistic modelling of the exchange of NO2, NO and HONO between croplands and the atmosphere and its implications on O3 deposition (Funder R2DS, Région île de France)
- ECLAIRE FP7 European project. (2011-2015)
- INGOS FP7 European project (2011-2015)
- Volat-NH3: Development of a new methodology for measuring ammonia emissions in agronomic plots (Quick movie in French by project's coordinator)
- Infrastructure ANAEE-France (Analysis and experimentation on ecosystems) : service PTR-TOF-MS: VOC measurements on soils, plants and atmosphere. Flux by Eddy covariance and chambers.
- COV3ER, ADEME (2015-2018). "COV : Emissions par les Ecosystèmes gERés". Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) emissions by managed ecosystems : new references over French crops and forest and management effects
- AgriMultipoll. Identification et quantification des polluants (ammoniac, COV, particules, pesticides) émis par une exploitation agricole type (cultures, élevage, stockage et pratiques)
- ResidueGas (EU ERA-NET): Improved estimation and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions and soil carbon storage from crop residues.
- OnlinePTR4Pests ADEME (2019-2021). : Mesure en ligne de la volatilisation des Pesticides par PTRMS sur grandes cultures et vignes.
- ICOS-Cities PAUL: Eddy covariance flux measurements over Paris.
- Obs4Clim: PIA3 convergence of infrastructures IAGOS-ICOS-ACTRIS. In charge of mobiles analysers (NH3, and GHG fluxes)
In the media
- Project Pollution Transport and local Pollution (PPTA):
PhD students
- 2001 – 2003: Nathalie Jarosz . Modelling maize pollen dispersal. Contribution to cross-pollinisation. (co-encadrement)
- 2002 - 2006: Thomas Bouvet . Heavy particle dispersion over level terrain and in windbreak flow. (co-encadrement, University of Alberta, Edmonton).
- 2005 – 2008: Rea S. Massad. Mechanistic modelling of the stomatal compensation point for ammonia. (co-encadrement)
- 2007-2010: Alexis Marceau. Pollinisation inter-parcellaire chez le maïs: analyse et couplage des processus conditionnant la présence du pollen viable en fonction de la distance à la source (co-encadrement).
- 2009 – 2011: Stella Patrick. Modelling ozone deposition and the interactions between O3 and NOx at the vegetation-atmosphere interface. (short description)
- 2011 - 2014: Elise Potier. Modélisation de l’effet de la structure du couvert végétal sur le dépôt d’ozone sur les écosystèmes terrestres. (co-encadrement avec Jérôme Ogée, INRA)
- 2015 - 2018: Michael Bell. Emission, dispersion and deposition of ammonia from the plot to the landscape scale. (Encadrant: Chris Fléchard, INRA Rennes)
- 2015 - 2018: Letizia Abis. Quantification des émissions de Composés Organiques Volatils (COV) par les sols amendés par des Produits Résiduaires Organiques (PRO) et lien avec leur diversité microbienne. (co-encadrement avec Sophie Bourgeteau-Sadet, Agrocampus, Dijon)
- 2015 - 2019: Lais Gonzaga. Quantification des flux de composés organiques volatils biogéniques (COVB) entre les grandes cultures et l’atmosphère à l'aide d’un PTR-TOF-MS
- 2017 - 2021: Varunesh Chandra. Emissions de composés azotés gazeux des sols lors de la décomposition des Résidus de cultures : approche expérimentale et modélisation.
- 2020 - 2023 : Julia Hebrecht. Optimizing land use allocation, energy and matter fluxes in Europe for minimizing environmental impacts of agriculture. (co-encadrement INRAE, SADAPT)
- 2021 - 2024 : Pedro Herig-Coimbra. Eddy Covariance CO2 fluxes measurements over several km². (co-encadrement Olivier Laurent LSCE)
- 2021 - 2024 : Auriane Voyard. Quantification et réactivité des COV échangés par les compartiments aériens et souterrains des agroécosystèmes. (co-encadrement INRAE)
- 2021 - 2024 : Maria Stern. Impact de l’urbanisation et de la végétalisation urbaine sur le microclimat et la qualité de l’air. (co-encadrement SADAPT, INGEROP)
Master Students
- 2016 (M2) Manel Ourir. bilan comparé de Carbone et de gaz à effet de serre d'une rotation de culture et d'une foret de chêne en Ile-de-France
- 2013 (M2) Christophe Blanchon. Modélisation couplée du fonctionnement des écosystèmes et des transferts atmosphériques d’azote.
- 2012 (M2) Yannick de Cacqueray. Modélisation des transferts atmosphériques d'azote à l'échelle du paysage.
- 2012 (M2) Florence Tardy. Etude du déterminisme des échanges d’ammoniac entre une culture de blé fertilisée et l’atmosphère : contribution du sol, des stomates et des cuticules.
- 2010 (M2) Azzeddine Sameut. Modélisation de dépôt des pesticides sur des plans d’eau
- 2008 (M2) Lise Leberre. Modélisation biophysique deséchanges d’ozone (O3) entre le sol, la plante et l’atmosphère
- 2007 (M1) Marine Millet. Mise au point d’un système de mesure de flux de NOx et d’O3 par gradient
- 2006 (M2) Maya Abdeouahab. Quantification du dépôt d’ozone non-stomatique sur un couvert de maïs et de blé
- 2006 (M2) Gaetan Laurent. Modélisation du dépôt sec de polluants atmosphériques sur les espaces agricoles à proximité d’axes routiers
- 2005 (M2) Estelle Compagnon. Analyse et modélisation du dépôt d’ozone sur un couvert végétal.
- 2005 (M1) Evaluation de systèmes de mesure de la durée d’humectation
- 2004 (M2) Julien Louchard. Mise au point d’une méthode expérimentale de mesure de la vitesse de sédimentation par caméra CDD pour le pollen de maïs
- 2004 (M2) Ouafae Saber. Estimation des termes source et puits de l’ozone dans un couvert de maîse à partir de l’équation de conservation de la masse
- 2004 (M2) Acquisition de données de turbulence
- 2003 (M2) Ivanka Panic. Tests de modèles numériques de dispersion et de dépôt sec de polluants atmosphériques: définition de scénarios représentatifs. (Synthèse bibliogaphique)
- 2002 (M2) Afroun Abdenor. Montage et calibration d’une chambre de fumigation
- 2001 (M2) Vincent Debost. Modélisation en 3 dimensions de la dispersion et du dépôt d’ammoniac
Teaching activity
Workshops and schools organiser
Models developments
- MODDAAS-2D : Loubet, B., Cellier P., Milford C., Sutton M. A., 2006. A coupled dispersion and exchange model for short-range dry deposition of atmospheric ammonia (MODDAAS-2D). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 132:1733-1763. Mis à disposition dans le cadre d’une collaboration pour plusieurs projets avec nos collègues du CEH AMBER et DEFRA AM0130 en 2004.
- FIDES-2D : Benjamin Loubet, Celia Milford, Mark A. Sutton and Pierre Cellier, 2001: Investigation of the interaction between sources and sinks of atmospheric ammonia in an upland landscape using a simplified dispersion-exchange model, J. Geophys. Res., 106(D20): 24183-24196. Mis à disposition de nombreux collègues pour estimer les dépôts locaux d’ammoniac.
- 1996;R. Delecolle, B. Loubet, M. Tchamitchian,B. Inra Dept;Calibration, sensitivity, validation of models;Journal/Inra Bioclimatology Department Research Course, Vol 2: From Plant Canopy to the Region;
- 1996;G. Gosse, X. LeRoux, B. Loubet,B. Inra Dept;Life-cycle environmental impact assessments;Journal/Inra Bioclimatology Department Research Course, Vol 2: From Plant Canopy to the Region;
- 1998;D. Fowler, C. E. R. Pitcairn, M. A. Sutton, C. Flechard, B. Loubet, M. Coyle,R. C. Munro;The mass budget of atmospheric ammonia in woodland within 1 km of livestock buildings;Journal/Environmental Pollution;10.1016/s0269-7491(98)80053-5
- 1999;B. Loubet, P. Cellier, D. Flura,S. Genermont;An evaluation of the wind-tunnel technique for estimating ammonia volatilization from land: Part 1. Analysis and improvement of accuracy;Journal/Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research;10.1006/jaer.1998.0348
- 1999;B. Loubet, P. Cellier, S. Genermont,D. Flura;An evaluation of the wind-tunnel technique for estimating ammonia volatilization from land: Part 2. Influence of the tunnel on transfer processes;Journal/Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research;10.1006/jaer.1998.0349
- 2001;P. W. Hill, J. A. Raven, B. Loubet, D. Fowler,M. A. Sutton;Comparison of gas exchange and bioassay determinations of the ammonia compensation point in Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaud;Journal/Plant Physiology;10.1104/pp.125.1.476
- 2001;B. Loubet, C. Milford, M. A. Sutton,P. Cellier;Investigation of the interaction between sources and sinks of atmospheric ammonia in an upland landscape using a simplified dispersion-exchange model;Journal/Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres;10.1029/2001jd900238
- 2001;C. Milford, K. J. Hargreaves, M. A. Sutton, B. Loubet,P. Cellier;Fluxes of NH3 and CO2 over upland moorland in the vicinity of agricultural land;Journal/Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres;10.1029/2001jd900082
- 2001;M. A. Sutton, C. Milford, E. Nemitz, M. R. Theobald, P. W. Hill, D. Fowler, J. K. Schjoerring, M. E. Mattsson, K. H. Nielsen, S. Husted, J. W. Erisman, R. Otjes, A. Hensen, J. Mosquera, P. Cellier, B. Loubet, M. David, S. Genermont, A. Neftel, A. Blatter, B. Herrmann, S. K. Jones, L. Horvath, E. C. Fuhrer, K. Mantzanas, Z. Koukoura, M. Gallagher, P. Williams, M. Flynn,M. Riedo;Biosphere-atmosphere interactions of ammonia with grasslands: Experimental strategy and results from a new European initiative;Journal/Plant and Soil;10.1023/a:1004822100016
- 2002;B. Loubet, C. Milford, P. W. Hill, Y. S. Tang, P. Cellier,M. A. Sutton;Seasonal variability of apoplastic NH4+ and pH in an intensively managed grassland;Journal/Plant and Soil;10.1023/a:1014208926195
- 2003;N. Jarosz, B. Loubet, B. Durand, A. McCartney, X. Foueillassar,L. Huber;Field measurements of airborne concentration and deposition rate of maize pollen;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/s0168-1923(03)00118-7
- 2003;B. Loubet, P. Cellier, S. Genermont, P. Laville,D. Flura;Measurement of short-range dispersion and deposition of ammonia over a maize canopy;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/s0168-1923(02)00176-4
- 2004;N. Jarosz, B. Loubet,L. Huber;Modelling airborne concentration and deposition rate of maize pollen;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.06.027
- 2005;N. Jarosz, B. Loubet, B. Durand, X. Foueillassar,L. Hubert;Variations in maize pollen emission and deposition in relation to microclimate;Journal/Environmental Science & Technology;10.1021/es0494252
- 2006;B. Loubet, P. Cellier, C. Milford,M. A. Sutton;A coupled dispersion and exchange model for short-range dry deposition of atmospheric ammonia;Journal/Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society;10.1256/qj.05.73
- 2007;T. Bouvet, B. Loubet, J. D. Wilson,A. Tuzet;Filtering of windborne particles by a natural windbreak;Journal/Boundary-Layer Meteorology;10.1007/s10546-007-9156-y
- 2007;B. Loubet, N. Jarosz, S. Saint-Jean,L. Huber;A method for measuring the settling velocity distribution of large biotic particles;Journal/Aerobiologia;10.1007/s10453-007-9054-2
- 2007;M. A. Sutton, E. Nemitz, J. W. Erisman, C. Beier, K. B. Bahl, P. Cellier, W. de Vries, F. Cotrufo, U. Skiba, C. Di Marco, S. Jones, P. Laville, J. F. Soussana, B. Loubet, M. Twigg, D. Famulari, J. Whitehead, M. W. Gallagher, A. Neftel, C. R. Flechard, B. Herrmann, P. L. Calanca, J. K. Schjoerring, U. Daemmgen, L. Horvath, Y. S. Tang, B. A. Emmett, A. Tietema, J. Penuelas, M. Kesik, N. Brueggemann, K. Pilegaard, T. Vesala, C. L. Campbell, J. E. Olesen, U. Dragosits, M. R. Theobald, P. Levy, D. C. Mobbs, R. Milne, N. Viovy, N. Vuichard, J. U. Smith, P. Smith, P. Bergamaschi, D. Fowler,S. Reis;Challenges in quantifying biosphere-atmosphere exchange of nitrogen species;Journal/Environmental Pollution;10.1016/j.envpol.2007.04.014
- 2008;R. S. Massad, B. Loubet, A. Tuzet,P. Cellier;Relationship between ammonia stomatal compensation point and nitrogen metabolism in arable crops: Current status of knowledge and potential modelling approaches;Journal/Environmental Pollution;10.1016/j.envpol.2008.01.022
- 2009;P. Cellier, M. R. Theobald, W. Asman, W. Bealey, S. Bittman, U. Dragosits, J. Fudala, M. Jones, P. Lofstrom, B. Loubet, T. Misselbrook, B. Rihm, K. Smith, M. Strizik, K. van der Hoek, H. van Jaarsveld, J. Walker,Z. Zelinger;Assessment Methods for Ammonia Hot-Spots;Journal/Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting Emission Changes and Environmental Impacts;10.1007/978-1-4020-9121-6_24
- 2009;M. David, B. Loubet, P. Cellier, M. Mattsson, J. K. Schjoerring, E. Nemitz, R. Roche, M. Riedo,M. A. Sutton;Ammonia sources and sinks in an intensively managed grassland canopy;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-1903-2009
- 2009;D. Fowler, K. Pilegaard, M. A. Sutton, P. Ambus, M. Raivonen, J. Duyzer, D. Simpson, H. Fagerli, S. Fuzzi, J. K. Schjoerring, C. Granier, A. Neftel, I. S. A. Isaksen, P. Laj, M. Maione, P. S. Monks, J. Burkhardt, U. Daemmgen, J. Neirynck, E. Personne, R. Wichink-Kruit, K. Butterbach-Bahl, C. Flechard, J. P. Tuovinen, M. Coyle, G. Gerosa, B. Loubet, N. Altimir, L. Gruenhage, C. Ammann, S. Cieslik, E. Paoletti, T. N. Mikkelsen, H. Ro-Poulsen, P. Cellier, J. N. Cape, L. Horvath, F. Loreto, U. Niinemets, P. I. Palmer, J. Rinne, P. Misztal, E. Nemitz, D. Nilsson, S. Pryor, M. W. Gallagher, T. Vesala, U. Skiba, N. Brueggemann, S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, J. Williams, C. O'Dowd, M. C. Facchini, G. de Leeuw, A. Flossman, N. Chaumerliac,J. W. Erisman;Atmospheric composition change: Ecosystems-Atmosphere interactions;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.07.068
- 2009;A. Hensen, B. Loubet, J. Mosquera, W. C. M. van den Bulk, J. W. Erisman, U. Dammgen, C. Milford, F. J. Lopmeier, P. Cellier, P. Mikuska,M. A. Sutton;Estimation of NH3 emissions from a naturally ventilated livestock farm using local-scale atmospheric dispersion modelling;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-2847-2009
- 2009;A. Hensen, E. Nemitz, M. J. Flynn, A. Blatter, S. K. Jones, L. L. Sorensen, B. Hensen, S. C. Pryor, B. Jensen, R. P. Otjes, J. Cobussen, B. Loubet, J. W. Erisman, M. W. Gallagher, A. Neftel,M. A. Sutton;Inter-comparison of ammonia fluxes obtained using the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation technique;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-2575-2009
- 2009;E. Lamaud, B. Loubet, M. Irvine, P. Stella, E. Personne,P. Cellier;Partitioning of ozone deposition over a developed maize crop between stomatal and non-stomatal uptakes, using eddy-covariance flux measurements and modelling;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.03.017
- 2009;P. Laville, D. Flura, B. Gabrielle, B. Loubet, O. Fanucci, M. N. Rolland,P. Cellier;Characterisation of soil emissions of nitric oxide at field and laboratory scale using high resolution method;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.01.043
- 2009;B. Loubet, W. A. H. Asman, M. R. Theobald, O. Hertel, Y. S. Tang, P. Robin, M. Hassouna, U. Dammgen, S. Genermont, P. Cellier,M. A. Sutton;Ammonia Deposition Near Hot Spots: Processes, Models and Monitoring Methods;Journal/Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting Emission Changes and Environmental Impacts;10.1007/978-1-4020-9121-6_15
- 2009;B. Loubet, C. Milford, A. Hensen, U. Daemmgen, J. W. Erisman, P. Cellier,M. A. Sutton;Advection of NH3 over a pasture field and its effect on gradient flux measurements;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-1295-2009
- 2009;R. S. Massad, B. Loubet, A. Tuzet, H. Autret,P. Cellier;Ammonia stomatal compensation point of young oilseed rape leaves during dark/light cycles under various nitrogen nutritions;Journal/Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment;10.1016/j.agee.2009.04.020
- 2009;M. Mattsson, B. Herrmann, M. David, B. Loubet, M. Riedo, M. R. Theobald, M. A. Sutton, D. Bruhn, A. Neftel,J. K. Schjoerring;Temporal variability in bioassays of the stomatal ammonia compensation point in relation to plant and soil nitrogen parameters in intensively managed grassland;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-171-2009
- 2009;R. Meszaros, L. Horvath, T. Weidinger, A. Neftel, E. Nemitz, U. Dammgen, P. Cellier,B. Loubet;Measurement and modelling ozone fluxes over a cut and fertilized grassland;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-1987-2009
- 2009;C. Milford, M. R. Theobald, E. Nemitz, K. J. Hargreaves, L. Horvath, J. Raso, U. Dammgen, A. Neftel, S. K. Jones, A. Hensen, B. Loubet, P. Cellier,M. A. Sutton;Ammonia fluxes in relation to cutting and fertilization of an intensively managed grassland derived from an inter-comparison of gradient measurements;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-819-2009
- 2009;E. Nemitz, K. J. Hargreaves, A. Neftel, B. Loubet, P. Cellier, J. R. Dorsey, M. Flynn, A. Hensen, T. Weidinger, R. Meszaros, L. Horvath, U. Dammgen, C. Fruhauf, F. J. Lopmeier, M. W. Gallagher,M. A. Sutton;Intercomparison and assessment of turbulent and physiological exchange parameters of grassland;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-1445-2009
- 2009;E. Nemitz, B. Loubet, B. E. Lehmann, P. Cellier, A. Neftel, S. K. Jones, A. Hensen, B. Ihly, S. V. Tarakanov,M. A. Sutton;Turbulence characteristics in grassland canopies and implications for tracer transport;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-1519-2009
- 2009;E. Personne, B. Loubet, B. Herrmann, M. Mattsson, J. K. Schjoerring, E. Nemitz, M. A. Sutton,P. Cellier;SURFATM-NH3: a model combining the surface energy balance and bi-directional exchanges of ammonia applied at the field scale;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-1371-2009
- 2009;U. Skiba, J. Drewer, Y. S. Tang, N. van Dijk, C. Helfter, E. Nemitz, D. Famulari, J. N. Cape, S. K. Jones, M. Twigg, M. Pihlatie, T. Vesala, K. S. Larsen, M. S. Carter, P. Ambus, A. Ibrom, C. Beier, A. Hensen, A. Frumau, J. W. Erisman, N. Bruggemann, R. Gasche, K. Butterbach-Bahl, A. Neftel, C. Spirig, L. Horvath, A. Freibauer, P. Cellier, P. Laville, B. Loubet, E. Magliulo, T. Bertolini, G. Seufert, M. Andersson, G. Manca, T. Laurila, M. Aurela, A. Lohila, S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, B. Kitzler, G. Schaufler, J. Siemens, R. Kindler, C. Flechard,M. A. Sutton;Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen and greenhouse gases at the NitroEurope core flux measurement sites: Measurement strategy and first data sets;Journal/Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment;10.1016/j.agee.2009.05.018
- 2009;M. A. Sutton, E. Nemitz, C. Milford, C. Campbell, J. W. Erisman, A. Hensen, P. Cellier, M. David, B. Loubet, E. Personne, J. K. Schjoerring, M. Mattsson, J. R. Dorsey, M. W. Gallagher, L. Horvath, T. Weidinger, R. Meszaros, U. Dammgen, A. Neftel, B. Herrmann, B. E. Lehman, C. Flechard,J. Burkhardt;Dynamics of ammonia exchange with cut grassland: synthesis of results and conclusions of the GRAMINAE Integrated Experiment;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-2907-2009
- 2009;M. A. Sutton, E. Nemitz, M. R. Theobald, C. Milford, J. R. Dorsey, M. W. Gallagher, A. Hensen, P. A. C. Jongejan, J. W. Erisman, M. Mattsson, J. K. Schjoerring, P. Cellier, B. Loubet, R. Roche, A. Neftel, B. Hermann, S. K. Jones, B. E. Lehman, L. Horvath, T. Weidinger, K. Rajkai, J. Burkhardt, F. J. Lopmeier,U. Daemmgen;Dynamics of ammonia exchange with cut grassland: strategy and implementation of the GRAMINAE Integrated Experiment;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-6-309-2009
- 2010;C. Bedos, M. F. Rousseau-Djabri, B. Loubet, B. Durand, D. Flura, O. Briand,E. Barriuso;Fungicide Volatilization Measurements: Inverse Modeling, Role of Vapor Pressure, and State of Foliar Residue;Journal/Environmental Science & Technology;10.1021/es9030547
- 2010;W. Eugster, A. M. Moffat, E. Ceschia, M. Aubinet, C. Ammann, B. Osborne, P. A. Davis, P. Smith, C. Jacobs, E. Moors, V. Le Dantec, P. Beziat, M. Saunders, W. Jans, T. Grunwald, C. Rebmann, W. L. Kutsch, R. Czerny, D. Janous, C. Moureaux, D. Dufranne, A. Carrara, V. Magliulo, P. Di Tommasi, J. E. Olesen, K. Schelde, A. Olioso, C. Bernhofer, P. Cellier, E. Larmanou, B. Loubet, M. Wattenbach, O. Marloie, M. J. Sanz, H. Sogaard,N. Buchmann;Management effects on European cropland respiration;Journal/Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment;10.1016/j.agee.2010.09.001
- 2010;S. Lehuger, B. Gabrielle, P. Cellier, B. Loubet, R. Roche, P. Beziat, E. Ceschia,M. Wattenbach;Predicting the net carbon exchanges of crop rotations in Europe with an agro-ecosystem model;Journal/Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment;10.1016/j.agee.2010.06.011
- 2010;B. Loubet, S. Genermont, R. Ferrara, G. Bedos, G. Decuq, E. Personne, O. Fanucci, B. Durand, G. Rana,P. Cellier;An inverse model to estimate ammonia emissions from fields;Journal/European Journal of Soil Science;10.1111/j.1365-2389.2010.01268.x
- 2010;R. S. Massad, A. Tuzet, B. Loubet, A. Perrier,P. Cellier;Model of stomatal ammonia compensation point (STAMP) in relation to the plant nitrogen and carbon metabolisms and environmental conditions;Journal/Ecological Modelling;10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.10.029
- 2010;E. J. Moors, C. Jacobs, W. Jans, I. Supit, W. L. Kutsch, C. Bernhofer, P. Beziat, N. Buchmann, A. Carrara, E. Ceschia, J. Elbers, W. Eugster, B. Kruijt, B. Loubet, E. Magliulo, C. Moureaux, A. Olioso, M. Saunders,H. Soegaard;Variability in carbon exchange of European croplands;Journal/Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment;10.1016/j.agee.2010.04.013
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- 2011;R. Kindler, J. Siemens, K. Kaiser, D. C. Walmsley, C. Bernhofer, N. Buchmann, P. Cellier, W. Eugster, G. Gleixner, T. Grunwald, A. Heim, A. Ibrom, S. K. Jones, M. Jones, K. Klumpp, W. Kutsch, K. S. Larsen, S. Lehuger, B. Loubet, R. McKenzie, E. Moors, B. Osborne, K. Pilegaard, C. Rebmann, M. Saunders, M. W. I. Schmidt, M. Schrumpf, J. Seyfferth, U. Skiba, J. F. Soussana, M. A. Sutton, C. Tefs, B. Vowinckel, M. J. Zeeman,M. Kaupenjohann;Dissolved carbon leaching from soil is a crucial component of the net ecosystem carbon balance;Journal/Global Change Biology;10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02282.x
- 2011;P. Laville, S. Lehuger, B. Loubet, F. Chaumartin,P. Cellier;Effect of management, climate and soil conditions on N2O and NO emissions from an arable crop rotation using high temporal resolution measurements;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.10.008
- 2011;S. Lehuger, B. Gabrielle, P. Laville, M. Lamboni, B. Loubet,P. Cellier;Predicting and mitigating the net greenhouse gas emissions of crop rotations in Western Europe;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.07.002
- 2011;B. Loubet, P. Laville, S. Lehuger, E. Larmanou, C. Flechard, N. Mascher, S. Genermont, R. Roche, R. M. Ferrara, P. Stella, E. Personne, B. Durand, C. Decuq, D. Flura, S. Masson, O. Fanucci, J. N. Rampon, J. Siemens, R. Kindler, B. Gabrielle, M. Schrumpf,P. Cellier;Carbon, nitrogen and Greenhouse gases budgets over a four years crop rotation in northern France;Journal/Plant and Soil;10.1007/s11104-011-0751-9
- 2011;A. Marceau, B. Loubet, B. Andrieu, B. Durand, X. Foueillassar,L. Huber;Modelling diurnal and seasonal patterns of maize pollen emission in relation to meteorological factors;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.08.012
- 2011;P. Stella, B. Loubet, E. Lamaud, P. Laville,P. Cellier;Ozone deposition onto bare soil: A new parameterisation;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.01.015
- 2011;P. Stella, E. Personne, B. Loubet, E. Lamaud, E. Ceschia, P. Beziat, J. M. Bonnefond, M. Irvine, P. Keravec, N. Mascher,P. Cellier;Predicting and partitioning ozone fluxes to maize crops from sowing to harvest: the Surfatm-O-3 model;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-8-2869-2011
- 2011;A. Tuzet, A. Perrier, B. Loubet,P. Cellier;Modelling ozone deposition fluxes: The relative roles of deposition and detoxification processes;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.12.004
- 2012;R. M. Ferrara, B. Loubet, P. Di Tommasi, T. Bertolini, V. Magliulo, P. Cellier, W. Eugster,G. Rana;Eddy covariance measurement of ammonia fluxes: Comparison of high frequency correction methodologies;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.02.001
- 2012;L. Garcia, S. Genermont, C. Bedos, N. N. Simon, P. Garnier, B. Loubet,P. Cellier;Accounting for Surface Cattle Slurry in Ammonia Volatilization Models: The Case of Volt'Air;Journal/Soil Science Society of America Journal;10.2136/sssaj2012.0067
- 2012;B. Loubet, C. Decuq, E. Personne, R. S. Massad, C. Flechard, O. Fanucci, N. Mascher, J. C. Gueudet, S. Masson, B. Durand, S. Genermont, Y. Fauvel,P. Cellier;Investigating the stomatal, cuticular and soil ammonia fluxes over a growing tritical crop under high acidic loads;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-9-1537-2012
- 2012;A. Marceau, S. Saint-Jean, B. Loubet, X. Foueillassar,L. Huber;Biophysical characteristics of maize pollen: Variability during emission and consequences on cross-pollination risks;Journal/Field crops research;10.1016/j.fcr.2011.11.006
- 2012;J. Sintermann, A. Neftel, C. Ammann, C. Hani, A. Hensen, B. Loubet,C. R. Flechard;Are ammonia emissions from field-applied slurry substantially over-estimated in European emission inventories?;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-9-1611-2012
- 2012;P. Stella, B. Loubet, P. Laville, E. Lamaud, M. Cazaunau, S. Laufs, F. Bernard, B. Grosselin, N. Mascher, R. Kurtenbach, A. Mellouki, J. Kleffmann,P. Cellier;Comparison of methods for the determination of NO-O-3-NO2 fluxes and chemical interactions over a bare soil;Journal/Atmospheric Measurement Techniques;10.5194/amt-5-1241-2012
- 2013;C. Bedos, B. Loubet,E. Barriuso;Gaseous Deposition Contributes to the Contamination of Surface Waters by Pesticides Close to Treated Fields. A Process-Based Model Study;Journal/Environmental Science & Technology;10.1021/es402592n
- 2013;M. Carozzi, B. Loubet, M. Acutis, G. Rana,R. M. Ferrara;Inverse dispersion modelling highlights the efficiency of slurry injection to reduce ammonia losses by agriculture in the Po Valley (Italy);Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.12.012
- 2013;P. Cellier, P. Rochette, C. Henault, S. Genermont, P. Laville,B. Loubet;Gaseous emissions at different space scales in the nitrogen cycle: A review;Journal/Cahiers Agricultures;10.1684/agr.2013.0641
- 2013;C. R. Flechard, R. S. Massad, B. Loubet, E. Personne, D. Simpson, J. O. Bash, E. J. Cooter, E. Nemitz,M. A. Sutton;Advances in understanding, models and parameterizations of biosphere-atmosphere ammonia exchange;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-10-5183-2013
- 2013;B. Loubet, P. Cellier, C. Flechard, O. Zurfluh, M. Irvine, E. Lamaud, P. Stella, R. Roche, B. Durand, D. Flura, S. Masson, P. Laville, D. Garrigou, E. Personne, M. Chelle,J. F. Castell;Investigating discrepancies in heat, CO2 fluxes and O-3 deposition velocity over maize as measured by the eddy-covariance and the aerodynamic gradient methods;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.09.010
- 2013;R. Oswald, T. Behrendt, M. Ermel, D. Wu, H. Su, Y. Cheng, C. Breuninger, A. Moravek, E. Mougin, C. Delon, B. Loubet, A. Pommerening-Roser, M. Sorgel, U. Poschl, T. Hoffmann, M. O. Andreae, F. X. Meixner,I. Trebs;HONO Emissions from Soil Bacteria as a Major Source of Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen;Journal/Science;10.1126/science.1242266
- 2013;P. Stella, E. Personne, E. Lamaud, B. Loubet, I. Trebs,P. Cellier;Assessment of the total, stomatal, cuticular, and soil 2 year ozone budgets of an agricultural field with winter wheat and maize crops;Journal/Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences;10.1002/jgrg.20094
- 2013;M. A. Sutton, S. Reis, S. N. Riddick, U. Dragosits, E. Nemitz, M. R. Theobald, Y. S. Tang, C. F. Braban, M. Vieno, A. J. Dore, R. F. Mitchell, S. Wanless, F. Daunt, D. Fowler, T. D. Blackall, C. Milford, C. R. Flechard, B. Loubet, R. Massad, P. Cellier, E. Personne, P. F. Coheur, L. Clarisse, M. Van Damme, Y. Ngadi, C. Clerbaux, C. A. Skjoth, C. Geels, O. Hertel, R. J. W. Kruit, R. W. Pinder, J. O. Bash, J. T. Walker, D. Simpson, L. Horvath, T. H. Misselbrook, A. Bleeker, F. Dentener,W. de Vries;Towards a climate-dependent paradigm of ammonia emission and deposition;Journal/Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences;10.1098/rstb.2013.0166
- 2014;W. J. Bealey, B. Loubet, C. F. Braban, D. Famulari, M. R. Theobald, S. Reis, D. S. Reay,M. A. Sutton;Modelling agro-forestry scenarios for ammonia abatement in the landscape;Journal/Environmental Research Letters;10.1088/1748-9326/9/12/125001
- 2014;R. M. Ferrara, B. Loubet, C. Decuq, A. D. Palumbo, P. Di Tommasi, V. Magliulo, S. Masson, E. Personne, P. Cellier,G. Rana;Ammonia volatilisation following urea fertilisation in an sorghum crop in Italy irrigated;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.05.010
- 2014;C. Kalogridis, V. Gros, R. Sarda-Esteve, B. Langford, B. Loubet, B. Bonsang, N. Bonnaire, E. Nemitz, A. C. Genard, C. Boissard, C. Fernandez, E. Ormeno, D. Baisnee, I. Reiter,J. Lathiere;Concentrations and fluxes of isoprene and oxygenated VOCs at a French Mediterranean oak forest;Journal/Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics;10.5194/acp-14-10085-2014
- 2014;N. Senapati, A. Chabbi, F. Gastal, P. Smith, N. Mascher, B. Loubet, P. Cellier,C. Naisse;Net carbon storage measured in a mowed and grazed temperate sown grassland shows potential for carbon sequestration under grazed system;Journal/Carbon Management;10.1080/17583004.2014.912863
- 2015;E. Personne, F. Tardy, S. Genermont, C. Decuq, J. C. Gueudet, N. Mascher, B. Durand, S. Masson, M. Lauransot, C. Flechard, J. Burkhardt,B. Loubet;Investigating sources and sinks for ammonia exchanges between the atmosphere and a wheat canopy following slurry application with trailing hose;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.03.002
- 2015;E. Potier, J. Ogee, J. Jouanguy, E. Lamaud, P. Stella, E. Personne, B. Durand, N. Mascher,B. Loubet;Multi layer modelling of ozone fluxes on winter wheat reveals large deposition on wet senescing leaves;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.05.006
- 2016;S. Belviso, I. M. Reiter, B. Loubet, V. Gros, J. Lathiere, D. Montagne, M. Delmotte, M. Ramonet, C. Kalogridis, B. Lebegue, N. Bonnaire, V. Kazan, T. Gauquelin, C. Fernandez,B. Genty;A top-down approach of surface carbonyl sulfide exchange by a Mediterranean oak forest ecosystem in southern France;Journal/Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics;10.5194/acp-16-14909-2016
- 2016;S. Molina-Herrera, E. Haas, S. Klatt, D. Kraus, J. Augustin, V. Magliulo, T. Tallec, E. Ceschia, C. Ammann, B. Loubet, U. Skiba, S. Jones, C. Brummer, K. Butterbach-Bahl,R. Kiese;A modeling study on mitigation of N2O emissions and NO3 leaching at different agricultural sites across Europe using LandscapeDNDC;Journal/Science of the total environment;10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.099
- 2016;T. Sakai, T. Iizumi, M. Okada, M. Nishimori, T. Grunwald, J. Prueger, A. Cescatti, W. Korres, M. Schmidt, A. Carrara, B. Loubet,E. Ceschia;Varying applicability of four different satellite-derived soil moisture products to global gridded crop model evaluation;Journal/International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation;10.1016/j.jag.2015.09.011
- 2016;S. Schallhart, P. Rantala, E. Nemitz, D. Taipale, R. Tillmann, T. F. Mentel, B. Loubet, G. Gerosa, A. Finco, J. Rinne,T. M. Ruuskanen;Characterization of total ecosystem-scale biogenic VOC exchange at a Mediterranean oak-hornbeam forest;Journal/Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics;10.5194/acp-16-7171-2016
- 2016;N. Vuichard, P. Ciais, N. Viovy, L. H. Li, E. Ceschia, M. Wattenbach, C. Bernhofer, C. Emmel, T. Grunwald, W. Jans, B. Loubet,X. C. Wu;Simulating the net ecosystem CO2 exchange and its components over winter wheat cultivation sites across a large climate gradient in Europe using the ORCHIDEE-STICS generic model;Journal/Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment;10.1016/j.agee.2016.04.017
- 2016;X. Wu, N. Vuichard, P. Ciais, N. Viovy, N. de Noblet-Ducoudre, X. Wang, V. Magliulo, M. Wattenbach, L. Vitale, P. Di Tommasi, E. J. Moors, W. Jans, J. Elbers, E. Ceschia, T. Tallec, C. Bernhofer, T. Grunwald, C. Moureaux, T. Manise, A. Ligne, P. Cellier, B. Loubet, E. Larmanou,D. Ripoche;ORCHIDEE-CROP (v0), a new process-based agro-land surface model: model description and evaluation over Europe;Journal/Geoscientific Model Development;10.5194/gmd-9-857-2016
- 2016;Y. L. Zhou, X. C. Wu, W. M. Ju, J. M. Chen, S. Q. Wang, H. M. Wang, W. P. Yuan, T. A. Black, R. Jassal, A. Ibrom, S. J. Han, J. H. Yan, H. Margolis, O. Roupsard, Y. N. Li, F. H. Zhao, G. Kiely, G. Starr, M. Pavelka, L. Montagnani, G. Wohlfahrt, P. D'Odorico, D. Cook, M. A. Arain, D. Bonal, J. Beringer, P. D. Blanken, B. Loubet, M. Y. Leclerc, G. Matteucci, Z. Nagy, J. Olejnik, K. T. P. U,A. Varlagin;Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites;Journal/Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences;10.1002/2014jg002876
- 2017;C. Bedos, L. Alletto, B. Durand, O. Fanucci, A. Brut, M. Bourdat-Deschamps, S. Giuliano, B. Loubet, E. Ceschia,P. Benoit;Observed volatilization fluxes of S-metolachlor and benoxacor applied on soil with and without crop residues;Journal/Environmental Science and Pollution Research;10.1007/s11356-016-8124-9
- 2017;J. Bureau, A. Grossel, B. Loubet, P. Laville, R. Massad, E. Haas, K. Butterbach-Bahl, C. Guimbaud,C. Henault;Evaluation of new flux attribution methods for mapping N2O emissions at the landscape scale;Journal/Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment;10.1016/j.agee.2017.06.012
- 2017;C. Delon, C. Galy-Lacaux, D. Serca, B. Loubet, N. Camara, E. Gardrat, I. Saneh, R. Fensholt, T. Tagesson, V. Le Dantec, B. Sambou, C. Diop,E. Mougin;Soil and vegetation-atmosphere exchange of NO, NH3, and N2O from field measurements in a semi arid grazed ecosystem in Senegal;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.02.024
- 2017;K. Hansen, E. Personne, C. A. Skjoth, B. Loubet, A. Ibrom, R. Jensen, L. L. Sorensen,E. Boegh;Investigating sources of measured forest-atmosphere ammonia fluxes using two-layer bi-directional modelling;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.02.008
- 2017;S. Laufs, M. Cazaunau, P. Stella, R. Kurtenbach, P. Cellier, A. Mellouki, B. Loubet,J. Kleffmann;Diurnal fluxes of HONO above a crop rotation;Journal/Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics;10.5194/acp-17-6907-2017
- 2017;S. Molina-Herrera, E. Haas, R. Grote, R. Kiese, S. Klatt, D. Kraus, T. Kampffmeyer, R. Friedrich, H. Andreae, B. Loubet, C. Ammann, L. Horvath, K. Larsen, C. Gruening, A. Frumau,K. Butterbach-Bahl;Importance of soil NO emissions for the total atmospheric NOX budget of Saxony, Germany;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.022
- 2017;E. Potier, B. Loubet, B. Durand, D. Flura, M. Bourdat-Deschamps, R. Ciuraru,J. Ogee;Chemical reaction rates of ozone in water infusions of wheat, beech, oak and pine leaves of different ages;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.11.069
- 2017;R. M. Vuolo, B. Loubet, N. Mascher, J. C. Gueudet, B. Durand, P. Laville, O. Zurfluh, R. Ciuraru, P. Stella,I. Trebs;Nitrogen oxides and ozone fluxes from an oilseed-rape management cycle: the influence of cattle slurry application;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-14-2225-2017
- 2018;L. Abis, B. Loubet, R. Ciuraru, F. Lafouge, S. Dequiedt, S. Houot, P. A. Maron,S. Bourgeteau-Sadet;Profiles of volatile organic compound emissions from soils amended with organic waste products;Journal/Science of the total environment;10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.232
- 2018;A. Finco, M. Coyle, E. Nemitz, R. Marzuoli, M. Chiesa, B. Loubet, S. Fares, E. Diaz-Pines, R. Gasche,G. Gerosa;Characterization of ozone deposition to a mixed oak-hornbeam forest - flux measurements at five levels above and inside the canopy and their interactions with nitric oxide;Journal/Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics;10.5194/acp-18-17945-2018
- 2018;S. D. Hafner, A. Pacholski, S. Bittman, W. Burchill, W. Bussink, M. Chantigny, M. Carozzi, S. Genermont, C. Hani, M. N. Hansen, J. Huijsmans, D. Hunt, T. Kupper, G. Lanigan, B. Loubet, T. Misselbrook, J. J. Meisinger, A. Neftel, T. Nyord, S. V. Pedersen, J. Sintermann, R. B. Thompson, B. Vermeulen, A. V. Vestergaard, P. Voylokov, J. R. Williams,S. G. Sommer;The ALFAM2 database on ammonia emission from field-applied manure: Description and illustrative analysis;Journal/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.11.027
- 2018;A. Le Morvan-Quemener, I. Coll, J. Kammer, E. Lamaud, B. Loubet, E. Personne,P. Stella;Impact of parameterization choices on the restitution of ozone deposition over vegetation;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.01.003
- 2018;B. Loubet, M. Carozzi, P. Voylokov, J. P. Cohan, R. Trochard,S. Genermont;Evaluation of a new inference method for estimating ammonia volatilisation from multiple agronomic plots;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-15-3439-2018
- 2019;N. Cowan, P. Levy, A. Moring, I. Simmons, C. Bache, A. Stephens, J. Marinheiro, J. Brichet, L. Song, A. Pickard, C. McNeill, R. McDonald, J. Maire, B. Loubet, P. Voylokov, M. Sutton,U. Skiba;Nitrogen use efficiency and N2O and NH3 losses attributed to three fertiliser types applied to an intensively managed silage crop;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-16-4731-2019
- 2019;C. Delon, C. Galy-Lacaux, D. Serca, E. Personne, E. Mougin, M. Adon, V. Le Dantec, B. Loubet, R. Fensholt,T. Tagesson;Modelling land-atmosphere daily exchanges of NO, NH3, and CO2 in a semi-arid grazed ecosystem in Senegal;Journal/Biogeosciences;10.5194/bg-16-2049-2019
- 2019;L. G. Gomez, B. Loubet, F. Lafouge, R. Ciuraru, P. Buysse, B. Durand, J. C. Gueudet, O. Fanucci, A. Fortineau, O. Zurfluh, C. Decuq, J. Kammer, P. Duprix, S. Bsaibes, F. Truong, V. Gros,C. Boissard;Comparative study of biogenic volatile organic compounds fluxes by wheat, maize and rapeseed with dynamic chambers over a short period in northern France;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.116855
- 2019;K. Haro, I. Ouarma, B. Nana, A. Bere, G. C. Tubreoumya, S. Z. Kam, P. Laville, B. Loubet,J. Koulidiati;Assessment of CH4 and CO2 surface emissions from Polesgo's landfill (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) based on static chamber method;Journal/Advances in Climate Change Research;10.1016/j.accre.2019.09.002
- 2019;P. Stella, B. Loubet, C. de Berranger, X. Charrier, E. Ceschia, G. Gerosa, A. Finco, E. Lamaud, D. Serca, C. George,R. Ciuraru;Soil ozone deposition: Dependence of soil resistance to soil texture;Journal/Atmospheric Environment;10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.11.036
- 2019;E. Vaudour, C. Gomez, T. Loiseau, N. Baghdadi, B. Loubet, D. Arrouays, L. Ali,P. Lagacherie;The Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance of Topsoil Organic Carbon from Sentinel-2 for Croplands;Journal/Remote Sensing;10.3390/rs11182143
- 2020;L. Abis, B. Loubet, R. Ciuraru, F. Lafouge, S. Houot, V. Nowak, J. Tripied, S. Dequiedt, P. A. Maron,S. Sadet-Bourgeteau;Reduced microbial diversity induces larger volatile organic compound emissions from soils;Journal/Scientific Reports;10.1038/s41598-020-63091-8
- 2020;S. Bsaibes, V. Gros, F. Truong, C. Boissard, D. Baisnee, R. Sarda-Esteve, N. Zannoni, F. Lafouge, R. Ciuraru, P. Buysse, J. Kammer, L. G. Gomez,B. Loubet;Characterization of Total OH Reactivity in a Rapeseed Field: Results from the (COVER)-E-3 Experiment in April 2017;Journal/Atmosphere;10.3390/atmos11030261
- 2020;S. Bsaibes, F. Piel, V. Gros, F. Truong, F. Lafouge, R. Ciuraru, P. Buysse, J. Kammer, B. Loubet,M. Staudt;Monoterpene Chemical Speciation with High Time Resolution Using a FastGC/PTR-MS: Results from the (COVER)-E-3 Experiment on Quercus ilex;Journal/Atmosphere;10.3390/atmos11070690
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